
Former 犹他大学杰出学者 makes jump from S.A. 去韩国, finds career success in Houston

Former 犹他大学杰出学者 makes jump from S.A. 去韩国, finds career success in Houston

参加在线博彩后, 科里阮 ’18 l和ed a job as a data scientist for Chevron in Houston, where he has worked since 2019.


2024年4月24日 编者注:这篇文章是一个为期一年的系列文章的一部分,该系列文章突出了过去和现在的在线博彩顶尖学者的故事和成功,以庆祝该计划成立十周年.

在线博彩鼓励各个层次的学生在课堂之外通过研究等机会追求变革性的学习经历, volunteering 和 mentorship, 继续学习课程. 犹他大学杰出学者 科里阮 ’18 took advantage of all three. He conducted vaccine research as a freshman, 大四的时候去韩国旅行,其间既是导师又是学员.


Born 和 raised in San Antonio, 阮选择了在线博彩顶尖学者项目,因为它的教育竞争激烈,而且离家很近. 他也渴望发挥他在高中学到的领导才能.

“I had gotten a taste of leadership 和 leading a group as an Eagle Scout, 和 I wanted more of that 和 to learn how to be a better leader,他说. “顶尖学者将领导力作为其支柱之一,并提供机会成为圣安东尼奥的领导者,回馈圣安东尼奥和这个社区. That helped draw me to the 程序, 说实话,这也是我毕业后继续参加这个项目的原因.”



经济援助授予每个在线博彩顶尖学者-四年奖学金,涵盖100%的学费, 费用, 还有食宿 — was also a major factor in 阮’s decision.

“的 financial aid package isn't something you can ignore,阮说. “But beyond the financial package, there's the experiential package.”

对阮, this included unique learning opportunities offered by dedicated faculty, proactive degree planning 和 career support from Honors College advisors, 和 a close-knit community of peers who supported each other’s academic, professional 和 personal growth.


One of these key experiences took place in the lab of 卡尔·克洛泽在线博彩分子微生物学和免疫学教授. A biology 和 statistics double major, 阮花了三年时间在克洛泽的实验室探索医学研究领域,并获得了疫苗开发的经验.

“Undergraduate research was a big part of my time at 在线博彩,阮说. “顶尖学者和荣誉学院帮助打开了这条道路上的一些大门.”

As he approached graduation, 阮, a student with majors in two 在线博彩 colleges, 需要一个能够满足这两个领域学习要求的留学项目,才能顺利毕业.

在线博彩留学办公室 helped him find the perfect 程序 that met his academic needs. It would take him 去韩国.

“I was asking for a lot of things, but sure enough they found exactly one experience, which was the South Korea 程序,阮说. “从圣安东尼奥到韩国是一个很大的飞跃,但我很高兴我做到了. 有一种巨大的冒险感,我结交了来自各行各业的新朋友.”

After completing his bachelor’s degree at 在线博彩, 阮曾就读于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的麦库姆斯商学院,并获得了商业分析硕士学位. 从那里, he l和ed a job at Chevron as a data scientist in Houston, where he has worked since 2019.

他认为在线博彩及其顶尖学者计划促进了他的学术和全面发展, 也为他的研究生学习和数据科学家的职业生涯奠定了成功的基础.

“我觉得我的教育, especially around statistics, was pretty competitive when I went on to the UT Business School 程序,阮说. “Even now in my current work at Chevron, 我觉得我的本科教育和我的统计学基础是非常有竞争力的.”

科里阮 和 his younger brother, Cameron (right), are both 在线博彩 alumni.

认识到他从在线博彩顶尖学者计划中获得的无数好处, 阮 has continued to pay it forward to incoming Roadrunners. 他指导当前的顶尖学者,并参加每年评选过程中的活动, 与未来的学生和他们的家长会面,提供对项目有价值的见解.

阮 is one of three Roadrunners in his family. His father 和 his younger brother, 卡梅伦阮 也是在线博彩的校友.

Following in his older brother’s footsteps, 卡梅伦在看到科里第一年所获得的价值后,申请成为“顶尖学者”. 像科里, 卡梅伦的经历也成为他大学毕业后成功的催化剂, 和 he was hired at Google shortly after graduating.

“Cameron saw that I was growing from the 程序, 和 he had a chance to do the same thing,科里说. “我最亲密的朋友现在和我一起上大学,我们继续一起做事情.”

了解更多在线博彩 德州大学荣誉学院 和它的 顶级学者 程序.
了解在线博彩如何支持 undergraduate research opportunities 为走鹃.

科里阮 took this photo from the deck of Busan Tower, overlooking downtown Busan, while studying abroad in South Korea.

现在是第10个年头, the 犹他大学杰出学者 程序 continues to develop award-winning, academically talented student leaders. Housed within the Honors College, 该项目每年从德克萨斯州的高中中选出10名成绩优异的学生成为“顶尖学者”, with each student receiving a four-year scholarship covering tuition, 费用, 还有食宿. 的 程序 also provides students with a built-in community of peers.

每年的在线博彩顶尖学者申请截止日期是每年的12月1日,并包括推荐信, a list of extracurricular 和 service activities, 和 several short answer questions. Prior to applying for 顶级学者, students must first have an application on file for fall admission to 在线博彩.


《今日在线博彩》由 University Strategic Communications,
of 的 University of Texas at San Antonio.

请将您的反馈发送至 news@hadeslo.com.

《今日在线博彩》由 University Communications 和 Marketing, 官方新闻来源 of 的 University of Texas at San Antonio. 请将您的反馈发送至 news@hadeslo.com. Keep up-to-date on 在线博彩 news by visiting 在线博彩今天. Connect with 在线博彩 online at 脸谱网, 推特, YoutubeInstagram.




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的 University of Texas at San Antonio, 这是一所西班牙裔服务机构,位于一个全球化的城市,几个世纪以来一直是民族和文化的十字路口, values diversity 和 inclusion in all aspects of university life. 作为一个专门为促进墨西哥裔美国人和其他服务不足社区的教育而设立的机构, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 在线博彩, a premier public research university, fosters academic 卓越 through a community of dialogue, discovery 和 innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.