
在线博彩’s Data Crusaders take top spot in global data analysis competition

在线博彩’s Data Crusaders take top spot in global data analysis competition

2024年4月22日 Four graduate students from the 在线博彩数据科学学院 (SDS) are one of three winning teams of the 2024 SAS好奇杯, 一年一度的全球数据分析竞赛. Named the Data Crusaders, the 在线博彩 team included master’s in data analytics students Niharika B和lamudi, Ki宋, Nupoor尼克加加纳·乌代·库马尔. The team earned top prize in the data presentation category.

SAS协会赞助, an analytics 和 artificial intelligence (AI) software developer, this year’s Curiosity Cup featured 107 teams from 19 countries, 所有人都在竞争他们的数据准备, 分析和展示. The competition's format comprised of initial paper submissions followed by finalists presenting their findings through video presentations.

“我们正开始向成熟的数据分析师转型. 我们对自己的能力越来越有信心.”

The Data Crusaders analyzed data from the 17 most populated countries in the world to explore how population growth affected energy usage.

“这是一个很好的研究课题选择,”他说 Isil Koyuncu, the team’s faculty advisor 和 assistant professor in Management Science 和 Statistics. “It’s so relevant 和 caring about society 和 sustainability is really important; we need more research in this area.”

学生们的发现令人惊讶. They had expected that as a country’s population increased, so would its energy consumption — 和 for about 75% of countries this was true.

However, in the remaining countries, energy usage appeared to stay the same or decrease. The team hypothesized that this was due to increased energy conservation efforts as well as the miniaturization 和 improved efficiency of modern electronic devices.

The Data Crusaders also tracked the prevalence of renewable energy sources over time, 他们的数据显示从1995年到2021年, 对可再生能源的依赖增加了一倍多.

Jeong recalls that Koyuncu prompted the team to take this classroom project 和 make it a Curiosity Cup contender.

从一开始, she encouraged us to apply to the Curiosity Cup 和 was supportive the whole way,Jeong说. “那, 当我们在做的时候, we realized we had a decent chance of getting somewhere with the Curiosity Cup, 所以我们决定将其润色并提交, 我们最终进入了决赛.”

对于数据十字军来说, this outcome was completely unexpected.


作为竞赛获胜者, 数据十字军的成员可以从各种各样的奖品中选择, 从苹果iPad到任天堂Switch. All winners 和 runners-up will also receive twelve months of access to SAS software of their choice.

对于数据十字军来说, 然而, the experience alone was worth the effort they put into their project.

“我们正开始向成熟的数据分析师转型,Jeong说. “我们对自己的能力越来越有信心.”

Learn more about 和 view the video presentations from the 2024 SAS好奇杯.

Participation in events like the Curiosity Cup showcases 在线博彩 students' exceptional talent 和 dedication. It also reinforces the university's commitment to fostering career-ready graduates, empowering them to become skilled professionals prepared to tackle real-world challenges 和 emerge as leaders in their fields.

这种自信, Kumar同意, is the real prize of the Curiosity Cup: “It’s not for anybody else; it’s for yourself. It gives you the confidence that you are ready to face the world 和 ready to take up any job. 你会成为最棒的. 这是一块垫脚石. 所以,如果只是为了增强自己的信心,那就大胆尝试吧.”


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