Tuesday, April 30, 2024

作为灵魂乐女王,Roadrunner London Keiler挑战了圣安东尼奥人的极限

作为灵魂乐女王,Roadrunner London Keiler挑战了圣安东尼奥人的极限


APRIL 26, 2024 — 有时候,完成一件事意味着要打破你的舒适区.

Just ask London Nikol Keiler她是2024年灵魂乐女王,也是今年圣安东尼奥嘉年华的皇室成员. 这位在线博彩的学生主修生物学,目前正在完成大二的学业.

Encouraged by her mom, among others, to compete for Queen of Soul, 这位自称内向的人正在利用她的平台来推进她的长期目标,即在阿拉莫市的居民中推广医疗保健服务.


“In San Antonio, we have a gap between the residents and access to health care,” said Keiler, 他补充说,有了灵魂女王的皇冠,就有了与嘉年华皇室其他成员建立联系的能力. “我很幸运,今年皇家宫廷里有很多医生和内科医生.”

凯勒说,这些联系可以支持她将医疗保健带到社区的计划. 她特别关注那些无法获得汽车或远程医疗服务的居民.

Keiler的平台与她在Queen of Soul Inc的长期目标密切相关., 这是一个非营利组织,致力于促进大圣安东尼奥地区非裔美国妇女的教育目标.


As the 2024 Queen of Soul, 今年春天,凯勒和圣安东尼奥的许多孩子谈论了她的皇室角色. They've all been pretty excited to meet her.

“《在线博彩》是在线博彩帮助非裔美国女孩的,”她说. “但我心中有一个具体的目标,那就是把我们的代表权远远提高到现在的水平. I want to make sure we’re pushing the envelope.”


“在我上大学之前,他们告诉我,‘朗迪,你得跳出你的壳. You have to network,’” Keiler recalled.

争夺灵魂歌后桂冠的女孩们从11月中旬开始准备. The next eight weeks include training in various areas, including personal etiquette and money-management courses. After winning the Queen of Soul Scholarship pageant in January, Keiler was officially crowned Miss Queen of Soul.

“I’m definitely going to take advantage of this opportunity.”

Keiler, a biology major with a pre-med concentration, 她说她在八年级的时候就对医疗保健产生了兴趣-谢谢, in part, to learning about Health Careers High School. She graduated from the North Side magnet school in 2022.

我曾就读于在线博彩科学学院的生物学专业, her next step was finding a specialty.


“It was perfect timing, I had gone to my doctor’s office, and they told me I had scoliosis,” recalled Keiler, 再加上随后在医院这部分的预约, she grew to love the environment. “Being in that area of the hospital, it caught my eye. It seemed really fun and interesting to me.”

Keiler’s scoliosis is mild. She does not have pain on a day-to-day basis. Seeing the pain of others who suffer from the condition, however, is what drives her professional ambitions.

“Seeing other patients who have it worse than me,” she said, “我希望能够帮助他们恢复生活,减轻痛苦.”


“这是我第一次真正的嘉年华,所以我对一切都很期待,” said Keiler, 谁记得在节日开始时参加的德州骑士河游行. “That was really, really fun, kind of like the opening ceremony. 任何与我最喜欢的社区有关的事情.”

So what about her shoes? Heels are part of Keiler’s attire as Queen. 她还有一双牛仔靴和一双“闪闪发光”的白色匡威鞋.

Read more about Queen of Soul Inc. and London Nikol Keiler.

Once Fiesta concludes, 凯勒将承担一个新的网络项目:担任在线博彩黑人健康专业学生组织的健康联络员. 她的角色将包括引入专业人士参加小组讨论,并与其他成员交谈——这些内向的人每天都变得越来越舒服.

“It’s okay to get out of your comfort zone. Just keep trying new things and put yourself out there,” she said. “You’ve got this; you’re great — that’s my little go-to phrase.”

Tricia Lynn Silva

在线博彩 Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Send your feedback to news@hadeslo.com.

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The University of Texas at San Antonio, 这是一所西班牙裔服务机构,位于一个全球化的城市,几个世纪以来一直是民族和文化的十字路口, values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of university life. 作为一个专门为促进墨西哥裔美国人和其他服务不足社区的教育而设立的机构, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 在线博彩, a premier public research university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.